Paul Duffy, Holographer

Entrepreneur, Inventor, Investor,
Philanthropist and Author

Paul is a holographic storyteller applying timeless narrative recipes to the emerging mass medium of spatial reality.

Designing episodic content for spatial habitats involving people, products, places and even data, Paul helps enterprises and individuals transform the empty space limiting their performance into a rich space of exchange.

Why I wrote The Spatial Realm

The spatial realm is the name I give to all the space that surrounds us as we move through our lives on earth. For millennia, time was money. Economics revolved around the organization of time. But curiously, space has never been viewed that way.

Until now.

Go Behind the Scenes and Learn More

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“Whereas the Metaverse represents a deeper escapism into the virtual world, the Spatial Realm represents a return to our real environment – just enriched with holographic telepresence”

Paul Duffy, Holographer

with Paul

Speaking, Workshops, Consulting & Investing

Inventor and entrepreneur, Paul has devoted decades to evolving what he terms the Spatial Realm – a new world of integrated holography embedded in our natural environments.

Whether retail, educational, medical, financial or cultural, these environments come alive through holographic habitats that engage the imagination. The Spatial Realm consists of all the empty space there is in the world. Its uses are not only commercial but social, not only human but environmental.

Through his new platform MoonShot Inc, Paul has now developed the publishing, studio and venture partner necessary to harness this whole new world of innovative possibilities.

Want to learn more, we are happy to chat - please reach out.

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